Welcome to IRW IndiKit

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem

Welcome to IRW IndiKit - Islamic Relief Worldwide’s standard indicator library for all humanitarian and development projects.

When setting or reviewing project impact, outcome or output indicators, rather than struggling to create your own indicators or adjusting from other sources, please select the most relevant indicators from this IRW IndiKIt library. Doing so ensures the indicators you select are those that have been vetted, tried and tested for being meaningful and measurable by global technical experts in the given sector and align to relevant sectoral technical standards such as Sphere, LEGS etc.

IRW IndiKit indicators are in line with many donor requirements, who require the use of standard indicator libraries, and come with detailed guidance including on indicator definitions, data collection methods and links to additional technical resources to aid analysis. The only exception to using other indicator libraries is where a specific donor requires the use of indicators from their own indicator library (where this is the case, please let the IRW Global MEAL Team know using the feedback link so that we can include the donor's indicator library within Indikit).

Where a suitable indicator is not available for your specific project in the IRW IndiKit library, then please let us know through the MEAL Community of Practice on MS Teams or the contact form on this site, or directly through MS Teams if urgent. IRW Global MEAL Team would be happy to guide and advise on setting appropriate indicators for your project. However, do please use the search box above in the first instance, to see if you can find the indicator you are looking for.

We strongly encourage country programme teams, country MEAL teams, regional desk teams, and IR Partner programme teams to use this IRW IndiKit library to set and review the relevance of all project indicators during proposal development and prior to project approval.

Using standard common indicators enables comparison of project performance between projects using the same indicators within and between countries and organisations. Adoption and use of standard indicators within all projects is also a prerequisite to establishing and reporting against organisational results frameworks and doing so will enable you and us, in the future, to aggregate, measure and report project, programme and portfolio performance at country and global levels, including by partners and donors, in Sha Allah. 

This IRW IndiKit site has been created for Islamic Relief by the IndiKit Unit in People in Need, a Czech iNGO. We are very grateful to them for their support and assistance and credit People in Need for the majority of the content available on this site. The IRW Global MEAL Team are in the process of further customising this site and the list of sectors and indicators to align them more closely to sector categories within Islamic Relief. This site will continue to be periodically updated and refined going forward in Sha Allah. 

We warmly welcome any feedback or questions you may have on using, measuring or reporting against any of the indicators in IndiKit.

Global MEAL Team

IRW Programme Quality Department