Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the targeted women of reproductive age:
Ask simple questions assessing whether the woman is aware of the dietary practices your project promotes. Examples of such questions are:
Q1: Do you think that women should breastfeed when they are ill?
Q2: During pregnancy, should women eat less, more or same amount of food as before?
Q3: …
Focus only on those practices which will be / were promoted by your intervention and are proven to contribute to improved health and nutrition (the focus of your action and the guidance materials below will help you identify them).
An example of such composite indicator can then be: "75% women of reproductive age are aware of at least 4 out of 6 promoted dietary practices."
Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of women aware of the minimum number of promoted practices (e.g. at least 4 out of 6 practices) by the total number of interviewed women and multiplying the result by 100.