Untargeted Distribution of Breastmilk Substitutes

Indicator Phrasing

% of food kits in a general distribution that contain no infant formula, milk powder, liquid milk or milk products as a single commodity
% de kits alimentaires dans une distribution générale qui ne contiennent pas de lait maternisé, de lait en poudre, de lait liquide ou de produits laitiers comme produit unique
% de kits de alimentos numa distribuição geral que não contém fórmula infantil, leite em pó, leite líquido ou produtos lácteos como uma mercadoria única

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of food kits in a general distribution that contain no infant formula, milk powder, liquid milk or milk products as a single commodity

French: % de kits alimentaires dans une distribution générale qui ne contiennent pas de lait maternisé, de lait en poudre, de lait liquide ou de produits laitiers comme produit unique

Portuguese: % de kits de alimentos numa distribuição geral que não contém fórmula infantil, leite em pó, leite líquido ou produtos lácteos como uma mercadoria única

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the extent to which the provided food aid complies with The International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes and prevents life-threatening harms caused by general distributions of infant formula, milk powder, liquid milk or milk products.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Assess the number of food kits provided in all the general distributions of the given project that included NO infant formula, milk powder, liquid milk or milk products as a single commodity. Divide it by the total number of food kits provided in all the general distributions of the given project. Multiply it by 100 - the result is the % of general food kits with no breast milk substitutes.

Important Comments

1) Since the Code forbids distribution of breastmilk substitutes (BMS) in general food kits, the percentage of such kits without BMS should always be 100%.


2) The resources below explain under what conditions BMS can be provided.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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