Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the primary caretakers (mainly mothers).
Q1: Can you please tell me the symptoms of when a child's diarrhoea is so dangerous, that the child needs to be taken to a health facility for treatment?
1) the child has blood in her/ his stool
2) the child’s stool resembles white water
3) the child has fever
4) the child does not drink more fluids than usual
5) the diarrhoea lasts for 4 or more days
6) (if old enough) the child complains about severe pain in the abdomen or rectum
7) other: .....................
8) I don't know
NOTE: Encourage the data collectors to probe for further explanation if the respondent provides only limited response (for example, by asking: "Do you know about any other symptoms?").
Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of caretakers which could specify at least 3 situations of when a child suffering from diarrhoea needs to be taken to a health facility by the total number of interviewed caretakers and multiplying the result by 100.