Collect the following data by conducting key informant interviews with operators and users of the target water sources:
Q1: In the past 12 months, has it happened that the [specify the water source] stopped working?
A1: yes / no / does not remember
(ask the following question only if the previous answer is YES)
Q2: In the past 12 months, what was the total time when the [specify the water source] did not work?
1) ............. weeks
2) does not remember
(the following question is not mandatory)
Q3: What was the main reason why the [water source] did not provide water the last time it stopped working?
1) lifting apparatus did not work
2) a part of the pump or tap was damaged or stolen
3) power source (generator, electricity grid) stopped working
4) water management committee did not work properly (specify: …….)
5) the pipeline was broken
6) the source dried up for good
7) the source dried up seasonally
8) does not know
9) other - specify: ........................................
NOTE: The duration of the water source’s functionality in the past 12 months can be calculated as 12 months minus the time when the water source did not work (for example, 12 months minus two weeks = 11.5 months).
Calculate the indicator's value by summing up the duration of all water sources' functionality and dividing it by the number of surveyed water sources.