Functionality of the Water Management Groups

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of targeted water management groups performing at least X% of their core functions
nombre ou % de groupes de gestion de l'eau ciblés réalisant au moins X% de leurs fonctions essentielles
número ou % de grupos comunitários -alvo para gestão água que executaram pelo menos X% das suas funções de base
عدد أو ٪ من مجموعات إدارة المياه المستهدفة التي تؤدي ما لا يقل عن X٪ من وظائفها الأساسية

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of targeted water management groups performing at least X% of their core functions

French: nombre ou % de groupes de gestion de l'eau ciblés réalisant au moins X% de leurs fonctions essentielles

Portuguese: número ou % de grupos comunitários -alvo para gestão água que executaram pelo menos X% das suas funções de base

Arabic: عدد أو ٪ من مجموعات إدارة المياه المستهدفة التي تؤدي ما لا يقل عن X٪ من وظائفها الأساسية

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the proportion/ number of targeted water management groups who perform a certain percentage of their responsibilities - a crucial precondition for ensuring the local water sources' sustainability.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define what the core functions are, such as:

  > holding regular meetings of the group members,

  > guaranteeing certain proportion of female members,

  > assigning clear responsibilities to every group member,

  > regularly collecting money from water users based on a standardised tariff that is calculated based on cost-recovery of operation and maintenance,

  > ensuring relevant and up to date records of income and expenditures,

  > having functioning cooperation with an authority/ company who can ensure water source's repair,

  > arranging water source's repairs within a certain time period,

  > maintaining sufficient income that can cover standard operation and maintenance costs, and

  > other functions as defined by the group's internal rules.


2) Set the minimum number of the core functions that need to be performed in order for the indicator to be met (for example, at least 7 out of 10 functions - 70%).


3) Assess (through interviewing the group members and key informants, review of records, observation, etc.) whether the water management group performs the functions.


4) Conclude whether the water management group performs the minimum number of the core functions; consider whether not meeting certain most crucial functions (for example, arranging repairs on time) should automatically lead to marking the group as "not meeting its core functions".


5) Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of targeted water management groups performing at least the given % of their core functions by the total number of assessed groups and multiplying the result by 100.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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