Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the the targeted water source users:
Q1: Do you know who is responsible for ensuring that [specify the water source] is operating well?
A1: yes / no
(ask the following question only if the previous answer was YES)
Q2: To what extent are you satisfied with the work of the [specify the responsible committee/ person]? Are you very satisfied, fairly satisfied, fairly unsatisfied or very unsatisfied?
A2: very satisfied / rather satisfied / rather unsatisfied / very unsatisfied
(the following question is not mandatory; ask it only if the previous answer is fairly unsatisfied or very unsatisfied).
Q3: Why are you not satisfied with the work of the water management committee?
A3: specify: …………………
Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of water source users who are "very satisfied" or "rather satisfied" with the performance of the water management committee by the total number of interviewed users and multiplying the result by 100.