1) This indicator is just one of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators focusing on households' use of improved sanitation services. Their complete list includes:
- % of population using safely managed sanitation services (use of an improved sanitation facility which is not shared with other households and where excreta are safely disposed in situ or transported and treated off-site) - European Commission's DEVCO recommends to use a slightly amended version of this indicator: "% of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water"
- % of population using basic sanitation services (use of improved facilities which are not shared with other households)
- % of population using limited sanitation services (use of improved facilities shared between two or more households)
- % of population using unimproved sanitation services (use of pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines and bucket latrines)
- % of population practicing open defecation (disposal of human faeces in fields, forest, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches or other open spaces or with solid waste) - the use of this indicator is also recommended by the European Commission's DEVCO
For details, see WHO/UNICEF's publication below.
2) People often tend to over-report their positive behaviours and under-report the undesirable behaviours (such as defecating in the open). As much as possible, do not rely only on what people say - always go and observe whether the respondent has a latrine (if s/he said so) and whether the latrine looks used.
3) Consider also assessing whether the latrine has the following aspects of being an “improved model”:
- solid slab that looks safe to use
- slab hole is covered
- slab is washable and clean
- solid walls that provide adequate privacy
- door that provides adequate privacy
- wire mesh in windows (preventing insects from flying in)
4) USAID/OFDA uses a different version of this indicator: "number of people who report using a latrine the last time they defecated". See USAID/OFDA's guidance on this indicator.