Access to Bathing Facilities

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of persons with adequate and safe access to bathing facilities
nombre ou % de personnes ayant un accès adéquat et sûr aux installations de bain
número ou % de pessoas com acesso adequado e seguro a balneários
عدد أو نسبة الأشخاص الذين لديهم إمكانية الوصول الكافي والآمن إلى مرافق الاستحمام

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of persons with adequate and safe access to bathing facilities

French: nombre ou % de personnes ayant un accès adéquat et sûr aux installations de bain

Portuguese: número ou % de pessoas com acesso adequado e seguro a balneários

Arabic: عدد أو نسبة الأشخاص الذين لديهم إمكانية الوصول الكافي والآمن إلى مرافق الاستحمام

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the number or proportion of persons with an adequate and safe access to bathing facilities. This indicator is mostly used in the context of camps/ collective settlement.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Assess two types of accessibility



Divide the total beneficiary population by the total number of functioning bathing facilities (disaggregate the data by gender). According to the SPHERE standards, there should be a maximum of 100 people per 1 communal bathing facility.



Accessing and using bathing facilities can expose people, especially women, to increased security risks. Therefore, include in your quantitative survey also questions asking the facilities' female and male users:

Q1: Do you feel safe when accessing or using the [specify the bathing facility]? If not, why?

A1: yes / no - specify why: .........................................


People have “adequate and safe” access only if both types of accessibility are met.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and specific vulnerable groups, such as people with disability.

Important Comments

1) Wherever possible, "physical access" should also include access for people with disability, such as: access ramp, handle rail in the facility, and seat. 


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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