People Attending Hygiene Awareness

Indicator Phrasing

# of RHs attending hygiene awareness sessions
# d’ayants droit participant à des séances de sensibilisation à l’hygiène
# de titulares de direitos que participam em sessões de sensibilização para a higiene
# لأصحاب الحقوق الذين يحضرون جلسات التوعية بالنظافة

Indicator Phrasing

English: # of RHs attending hygiene awareness sessions

French: # d’ayants droit participant à des séances de sensibilisation à l’hygiène

Portuguese: # de titulares de direitos que participam em sessões de sensibilização para a higiene

Arabic: # لأصحاب الحقوق الذين يحضرون جلسات التوعية بالنظافة

What is its purpose?


How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

*This a Global Results Framework indicator. 



This guidance was prepared by IRW ©

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