Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) For each VET program/ field of study you will need to have a pre-defined list of the required facilities, equipment and materials. In some countries, such “standards” are developed by a national skills certification authority as a part of the curriculum accreditation. In other contexts, such a list has been compiled by the trainers in the VET providing institutions or you may need to initiate creation of the list in cooperation with VET trainers.
2) Define the minimum number and types of facilities, equipment and materials that have to be available for the VET institution to be marked as having “adequate facilities for practical training”.
3) Once you have the list, review the availability of the pre-defined materials and equipment by interviewing technical staff of given VET institution. In some cases, you might need to physically check the equipment.
4) Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of VET institutions with the pre-defined minimum number (or types) of facilities, equipment and materials by the total number of assessed institutions and multiplying the result by 100.