1) Collect the data through classroom observation by using a checklist prepared in advance and monitoring the most relevant teachers' practices, such as:
> the teacher sets clear expectations for student behaviour (classroom rules, expectations for each activity)
> the teacher uses routines and procedures
> the teacher moves around the room to monitor student behaviour and interactions
> the teacher uses positive words and praises students’ good behaviour, their work, and their improvements
> the teacher positively and patiently redirects students’ negative behaviour
> the teacher models how to be respectful and courteous to others in class
> the teacher treats all children equally regardless of gender, nationality, language, etc. (calling on students equally, avoiding disrespectful comments, etc.)
> students treat each other with courtesy and respect
2) The observer shall record the extent to which each teacher's behaviour has been observed, e.g. using a scale: observed - partly observed - not observed. Therefore, each item of the checklist has to be filled in, leaving no blank fields in the checklist. In addition, a description of specific examples of each behaviour should be noted in a separate column of the checklist.
3) Always determine in the checklist the minimum number (or types) of teaching methods the teacher needs to perform in order to be recorded as "using positive discipline practices".
4) Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of teachers following the minimum number (or types) of teaching methods by the total number of observed teachers and multiplying the result by 100.