School-Based Teacher Professional Development

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of supported schools that regularly organize teacher professional development activities in school
nombre ou % d'écoles appuyées qui organisent régulièrement, à l'école, des activités de développement professionnel des enseignants
número ou % de escolas apoiadas que organizam regularmente actividades de desenvolvimento profissional na escola

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of supported schools that regularly organize teacher professional development activities in school

French: nombre ou % d'écoles appuyées qui organisent régulièrement, à l'école, des activités de développement professionnel des enseignants

Portuguese: número ou % de escolas apoiadas que organizam regularmente actividades de desenvolvimento profissional na escola

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the number and the proportion of schools that initiated and maintain regular (at least once a month) structured teacher professional development activities. Such sessions usually take the form of Teacher Learning Circles (TLC), Teacher Professional Development (TPD) sessions or experience-sharing sessions.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Collect the data by using a combination of 2 out of 3 options below:

  > interview with school director and/or teachers (assess the standardized criteria for TLC/TPD below)

  > observation of TLC/TPD session (assess the standardized criteria for TLC/TPD below)

  > TLC/TPD documentation, such as Terms of Reference for the group, division of responsibilities, meeting timeframe, TLC/TPD outcomes, etc.


2) Calculate the number and % of schools that organize teacher professional development activities in school in the given period.

Important Comments

1) A standardized TLC/TPD fulfils the following procedure:

  > It is a small gathering of teachers who come together to share their work, successes, and challenges in order to support and help one another improve their teaching practices.

  > It takes place regularly, once or twice a month.

  > All teachers in a school are actively engaged.

  > The goal of the TLC/TPD is to establish a routine learning loop of 4 phases where teachers (1) reflect upon a teaching practice, (2) learn more about the practice, (3) plan on how to use it in their classes and finally, (4) take action by practicing the technique. This cyclical learning process forms the basis of the school-based and peer-driven TPD.


2) This indicator can be further supplemented by information from participatory assessment of teacher perception of and satisfaction with TLCs.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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