Parent Engagement in Education

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of supported schools that have a Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) actively engaged in school affairs
nombre ou % d'écoles appuyées ayant une Association Parents-Enseignants (APE) activement engagée dans les affaires scolaires
número ou % de escolas suportadas que têm uma Associação de Pais-Professores envolvida activamente nos assuntos escolares

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of supported schools that have a Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) actively engaged in school affairs

French: nombre ou % d'écoles appuyées ayant une Association Parents-Enseignants (APE) activement engagée dans les affaires scolaires

Portuguese: número ou % de escolas suportadas que têm uma Associação de Pais-Professores envolvida activamente nos assuntos escolares

What is its purpose?

To provide quality and relevant education, the school must be aware of caregivers' concerns regarding their children's education. At the same time, important school-related issues should be shared with the community in a timely manner. Parent-teacher associations (PTAs) should facilitate this two-way communication. The indicator measures the number and proportion of supported schools that have an active and fully functional PTA.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the required data from the following sources:

  > interviews with school director, teachers and/or PTA members

  > reviews of PTA documentation



Q1: Does your school have a parent-teacher association?

A1: yes / no


Q2: What are the roles and responsibilities of the parent-teacher association in your school?


1) having regular meetings

2) checking students’ and teachers’ attendance

3) monitoring the state of school facilities

4) monitoring quality of teaching and learning

5) following up on cases of dropout and out-of-school children

6) promoting child protection and the safety of students at school and on their way to and from school

7) mobilising community financial and in-kind contributions

8) ensuring that school management is accountable


The role of PTAs is country specific and your team therefore has to adjust the list of PTA standard responsibilities for the given intervention area.


At the same time, your team has to determine what roles and responsibilities must be met in order for the PTA to be considered as “functional and active”.


Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of supported schools with "functional and active" PTA by the total number of assessed schools and multiplying the result by 100. 

Important Comments

1) In some countries alternative names of PTAs may include "community education committee" or "school management committee" - always use the locally known name of PTA

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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