Code of Conduct for Teachers

Indicator Phrasing

number of supported schools whose teachers know, understand and have signed the Teacher’s Code of Conduct
nombre d'écoles appuyées dont les enseignants connaissent, comprennent et ont signé le Code de Conduite de l'Enseignant
número de escolas suportadas cujos professores sabem, compreendem e assinaram o Código de Conduta dos Professores
عدد المدارس المدعومة التي يعرف معلموها مدونة قواعد سلوك المعلمين ويفهمونها ووقعوا عليها

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of supported schools whose teachers know, understand and have signed the Teacher’s Code of Conduct

French: nombre d'écoles appuyées dont les enseignants connaissent, comprennent et ont signé le Code de Conduite de l'Enseignant

Portuguese: número de escolas suportadas cujos professores sabem, compreendem e assinaram o Código de Conduta dos Professores

Arabic: عدد المدارس المدعومة التي يعرف معلموها مدونة قواعد سلوك المعلمين ويفهمونها ووقعوا عليها

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the number of schools in which the teachers are aware of and obliged to follow school rules ensuring student and teacher participation and safety.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Determine the minimum required proportion of teachers that need to be aware of and understand the Code of Conduct (CoC) in order for the indicator to be met (for example 75% of school teachers). The target should be based on the context of the intervention, on how intensively your intervention promotes the CoC, and on how accepted the CoC is by the schools and the education authorities.



2) Ask the directors of your target schools whether the school has a CoC in place. Continue with the next step only if the CoC is available.



3) Ask each school director to provide you with the list of teachers. In each school, randomly select 6-12 teachers from the list (depending on the total number of teachers in the school) and assess their knowledge and understanding of the CoC’s content including disciplinary actions in case of breach of CoC. Make sure that the sample adequately represents the diverse composition of teaches in the school (considering various criteria such as sex, age, ethnicity, teaching experience etc.). Prepare the interview guide and response sheet in advance, including the minimum number of correct answers each teacher needs to provide to be considered as ‘knowing and understanding the CoC’. Examples of interview questions include:

Q1: Is there a CoC for teachers in your school?

A1: yes / no / does not know


Q2: Have you signed the teacher CoC?

A2: yes / no


Q3: What is the purpose of the CoC?


1) the teacher understands the CoC’s purpose

2) the teacher does not understand the CoC’s purpose


Q4: Do you remember any specific things teachers should NOT be doing according to the CoC? Please, list at least [specify the number] of them.

A4: Pre-define the answers based on the CoC’s content.


Q5: If a teacher hits a child, what is the disciplinary action for such behaviour for the teacher in the CoC?

A5: Pre-define the answers based on the CoC’s content / the school’s policy.



3) The surveyed school can be considered as successfully passing the criteria if:

   > the CoC exists

   > the minimum pre-set proportion of teachers 1) are aware of the CoC; 2) signed the CoC; 3) can correctly describe its purpose; 4) can list the minimum number of behaviours the CoC forbids; and 5) know the consequences of such behaviours



4) To determine the indicator’s value, count the total number of schools that successfully passed the above listed criteria.

Important Comments

1) Teacher’s Code of Conduct is a statement of principles, rules and values that establishes a set of expectations and standards for how individuals in a school will behave in an ethical way, including minimal levels of compliance and disciplinary actions. A Teacher’s CoC should always be contextualized to the local situation.


2) Ensure that the enumerators are able to correctly distinguish whether or not the teacher understands the CoC’s content. During the enumerators’ training, use examples of various situations and answers.


3) If your M&E system requires conducting a quantitative survey among representative sample of teachers, you might adjust the indicator to reflect the focus on individual teachers as follows: “% of teachers in supported schools who know and who signed the Teacher’s Code of Conduct”. The survey questions at school level can remain the same.


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