Students’ Understanding of the Teacher’s Code of Conduct

Indicator Phrasing

number of supported schools whose students are aware of and understand the Teacher’s Code of Conduct including its reporting mechanism
nombre d'écoles appuyées dont les élèves connaissent et comprennent le Code de conduite des Enseignants, y compris son mécanisme de rapportage
número de escolas suportadas cujos estudantes sabem da existência e compreendem o Código de Conduta dos Professores e o seu mecanismo de denúncia
عدد المدارس المدعومة التي يكون طلابها على دراية بمدونة قواعد سلوك المعلم ويفهمونها بما في ذلك آلية الإبلاغ الخاصة بها

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of supported schools whose students are aware of and understand the Teacher’s Code of Conduct including its reporting mechanism

French: nombre d'écoles appuyées dont les élèves connaissent et comprennent le Code de conduite des Enseignants, y compris son mécanisme de rapportage

Portuguese: número de escolas suportadas cujos estudantes sabem da existência e compreendem o Código de Conduta dos Professores e o seu mecanismo de denúncia

Arabic: عدد المدارس المدعومة التي يكون طلابها على دراية بمدونة قواعد سلوك المعلم ويفهمونها بما في ذلك آلية الإبلاغ الخاصة بها

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the number of schools that actively inform their students of existing school rules regarding child protection and safety and whose students are aware of, understand, and can act upon these rules. Such rules are usually described in the schools’ Code of Conduct (CoC) for Teachers, child protection policy (CPP) or a similar document.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Conduct a semi-structured interview with the directors of your target schools, collecting the following information:

Q1: Does your school have a Code of Conduct for Teachers or similar rules on child protection?

A1: yes / no


(ask the following question only if the previous answer is YES)


Q2: In the past two years, how were the students informed about the Code of Conduct for Teachers?


1) through information sessions / participatory activities with students (e.g. role plays) / and other activities actively informing students

2) through displaying the CoC in the school and other activities passively informing students (i.e. no activities actively informing students)

3) students were not informed


(ask the following question only if the students were informed)


Q3: How often does your school informs students about the content and meaning of the Code of Conduct for Teachers?

A3: at least once per year / less than once per year


Q4: Which students does your school inform about the content and meaning of the Code of Conduct for Teachers?


1) all students are informed

2) only some students are informed


Verify the provided information by conducting semi-structured interviews with several randomly selected teachers.


If the Code of Conduct for Teachers exists, its content and meaning is communicated to students at least once per year, and all students have an opportunity to learn about it, continue with the follow step. If the school does not meet the indicator’s criteria, inform the school representatives about the required improvements and stop the monitoring.



2) Conduct individual interviews with school students, assessing their awareness and understanding of the Teacher CoC's content and meaning. From each grade, randomly select from the list of students 1-2 girls and 1-2 boys (depending on the student population size). Consider also other selection criteria (e.g. ethnicity).


Prepare your interview guide and response sheet in advance, including the minimum number of correct answers each student needs to provide to be considered as "aware of and understanding Teacher CoC". Make sure you review and pre-test the below suggested interview guide before the interviews and adjust it to your context as required.


The recommended interview questions include:

Q: Are there any rules regarding child protection in place in your school that describe acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour of school staff towards students?

A: yes / no / doesn’t know


(ask the following questions only if the previous answer is YES)


Introduction: I will read aloud 6 statements for you one by one describing different behaviours of teachers in school. Please, tell me what teachers can or cannot do according to the school's Code of Conduct for Teachers?.

  Q1: Can a teacher beat a child who has not studied?                

  Q2: Can a teacher explain to the child why his/her behaviour was very wrong?

  Q3: Can a teacher shout at a child because he/she disobeyed him/her?

  Q4: Can a teacher ask children to help them with class chores?

  Q5: Can a teacher touch a child’s body even though the child seems uncomfortable?

  Q6: Can a teacher hit a child with a stick if the child has bullied another child?                                                                                                


Provide one score for each correct answer (YES to Q2 and Q4; NO to Q1, Q3, Q5 and Q6).


Also ask the following question:

Q: What can a student do when s/he knows that the teacher is doing something that is strongly against the content of the Code of Conduct for Teachers?

A: pre-define the options based on the locally available possibilities + add options 1) does not know; and 2) other – specify: ……………


If the student 1) knows about CoC, 2) scores at least 5 out of 6 points, and 3) knows how to report teachers’ misconduct, s/he can be considered as ‘aware of, knowing and able to act upon the CoC’.



3) The surveyed school can be considered as successfully passing the criteria if:

   > the CoC/other relevant document exists

   > its content and meaning is communicated to students at least once per year

   > all students have an opportunity to learn about it

   > at least 50% of the interviewed students are 1) aware of, 2) understand and 3) know how to act upon the CoC’s content (the percentage can be revised depending on how intensively your intervention focuses on promoting the content of CoC among students)



4) To determine the indicator’s value, count the total number of schools that successfully passed the above listed criteria.

Important Comments

1) Teacher’s CoC / school child protection policy is a statement of principles, rules and values that establishes a set of expectations and standards for how individuals in a school will behave in an ethical way, including minimal levels of compliance and disciplinary actions. A Teacher’s CoC / CPP should always be contextualized to the local situation.


2) Ensure that the enumerators are able to correctly distinguish whether or not the child knows what a student can do when s/he knows that the teacher is doing something that is strongly against the content of the Code of Conduct for Teachers.

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This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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