Based on interviews and focus group discussions with local women, community health workers and health authorities, identify the main breastfeeding difficulties and appropriate solutions. Subsequently, conduct individual interviews with a representative sample of mothers with children aged 0-23.99 months, inquiring about each of the most common problems, assessing whether she can provide a correct answer on how to address it.
Q1: Can you please explain what a breastfeeding woman can do when her nipples are sore and breastfeeding hurts? How can she resolve such problem?
1) explanation was correct
2) explanation was not adequate
3) no explanation was provided
NOTE: Encourage the data collector to probe for further explanation if the initial response s/he receives is not adequate (for example, by asking: "Is there any other way how women can address the problem?").
Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of respondents who knew how to effectively address the minimum number of common breastfeeding difficulties (for example, at least 4 out of 6) by the total number of female respondents and multiplying the result by 100.