Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the mothers of children aged 0-23.99 months:
Q1: How many children did you deliver? (twins must be counted as one child in this case)
A1: 2 or more children / less than 2 children (or twins)
(ask the following question only if the previous answer is 2 or more children)
Q2: Are the two youngest children which you delivered alive?
A2: yes / no
(ask the following question only if the previous answer is YES)
Q3: Do you have a birth certificate or other official document stating the age of your youngest child?
1) yes -> record the youngest child’s age: …… months
2) no -> determine the youngest child’s age by using Local Events: …… months
Q4: Do you have a birth certificate or other official document stating the age of your second youngest child?
1) yes -> record the youngest child’s age: …… months
2) no -> determine the youngest child’s age by using Local Events Calendar: …… months
Calculate the indicator’s value by dividing the number of children aged 0–23 months who are at least 24 months younger than their older sibling by the total number of surveyed children aged 0-23 months who have an older sibling and multiplying the result by 100.