Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of mothers of children aged 0-23.99 months:
Q1: Sometimes newborns, within the first month of life, have severe health problems and should be immediately taken to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your newborn to a health facility right away?
1) convulsions
2) fever
3) poor suckling or feeding
4) fast/ difficult breathing
5) baby feels cold or hot
6) baby was born too small/ early
7) fits, rigid, stiff, floppy
8) yellow palms/ soles/ eyes
9) swollen abdomen
10) unconscious
11) pus or redness of the umbilical stump, eyes or skin
Note: If less than three signs are stated, keep probing: “Are there any other warning signs you know?”
Calculate the indicator’s value by dividing the number respondents aware of at least three of the pre-defined warning signs by the total number of respondents and multiplying the result by 100