Community Health Volunteers’ Knowledge and Skills

Indicator Phrasing

% of Community Health Volunteers that passed both theoretical and practical tests
% de Bénévoles Médicaux Communautaires qui ont réussi les tests théoriques et pratiques
% de voluntários comunitários da saúde que passaram ambos os testes teórico e prático
النسبة المئوية لمتطوعي صحة المجتمع الذين اجتازوا الاختبارات النظرية والعملية

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of Community Health Volunteers that passed both theoretical and practical tests

French: % de Bénévoles Médicaux Communautaires qui ont réussi les tests théoriques et pratiques

Portuguese: % de voluntários comunitários da saúde que passaram ambos os testes teórico e prático

Arabic: النسبة المئوية لمتطوعي صحة المجتمع الذين اجتازوا الاختبارات النظرية والعملية

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the proportion of Community Health Volunteers (CHV) that have the knowledge and skills required for the effective performance of their health extension responsibilities.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

It is recommended that the CHVs’ knowledge is assessed by a theoretical test and their skills by a practical test:



The theoretical test needs to focus on assessing the CHVs’ knowledge of:

  1) the main messages the CHV is expected to communicate to the target audience

  2) the main principles of the communication technique/ information transfer

  3) the content of the IEC materials the CHV is supposed to use


Set clear criteria for passing the test (for example, when at least 75% of the answers are correct).




The practical test needs to be based on an observation of the CHVs’ practical skills. Use a simple checklist that can help you to evaluate whether the CHVs follow the desired practices (see an example on pages 130 – 131 of the Make Me a Change Agent publication below). Make sure that the checklist is realistic and assesses only those practices that the CHVs were previously trained on (and ideally also coached or otherwise supported).


Set clear criteria for passing the test (for example, when the promoter follows at least 7 out of 10 observed practices).



Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of CHVs that passed both theoretical and practical tests by the total number of tested CHVs and multiplying the result by 100.

Important Comments

1) Keep in mind that observation-based tests usually cannot be done at the time of the project's endline (when all activities are over) and the data for the indicator therefore needs to be collected in the course of the project, in the course of the CHVs’ promotion activities.


2) Observation-based practical tests are relatively time consuming – ensure that you have a sufficient number of data collectors / observers (at the same time, they are 100% worth the effort as they tell you much more than an ordinary written test does; furthermore, their results can be used for addressing the gaps in CHVs' skills). 

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