Number of People Receiving Social Protection Services

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of vulnerable persons receiving targeted social protection services
nombre ou % de personnes vulnérables bénéficiant des services de protection sociale ciblés
número ou % de pessoas vulneráveis que recebem serviços-alvo de protecção social
عدد أو نسبة الأشخاص المستضعفين الذين يتلقون خدمات الحماية الاجتماعية المستهدفة

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of vulnerable persons receiving targeted social protection services

French: nombre ou % de personnes vulnérables bénéficiant des services de protection sociale ciblés

Portuguese: número ou % de pessoas vulneráveis que recebem serviços-alvo de protecção social

Arabic: عدد أو نسبة الأشخاص المستضعفين الذين يتلقون خدمات الحماية الاجتماعية المستهدفة

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the number of vulnerable persons in a given area receiving targeted social services by any service provider (including community-based services). The indicator can be used either for a specific type of service or for a range of different services.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

*This is a Global Results Framework indicator. 


Result Statement: Increased number or % of vulnerable people receiving targeted social protection services


There are two ways to collect the required data:


1) Review the service providers' records to see the number of persons receiving targeted social protection services. 



2) If the first option is not feasible, collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of your target group members:

Q1: In the last [specify number] months, have you received any [specify the service you are interested in] from any state institution, non-governmental organization or company?

A1: yes / no


Repeat the question for the other types of social services you are interested in.


The indicator’s value (in percentages) can be calculated in two ways:

1) as a percentage of people who received any type of the assessed social protection services (divide the number of people who received any of the assessed services by the total number of interviewed respondents and multiply the result by 100); or

2) as a percentage of people who received a specific type of social protection services (divide the number of people who received the given service by the total number of interviewed respondents and multiply the result by 100)

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and age groups.

Important Comments

1) Assessing the percentage of people who received certain social services makes sense only if the services are received by a relatively large number of people – otherwise it is better to assess the number of recipients only.


2) Since people might not be familiar with the social services’ name, always provide a relevant explanation. For example, when interested in “debt counselling”, talk about “people who give you professional advice on how to manage your debts, so that you do not face any bigger problems”.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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