Cooperation of Social Protection Actors

Indicator Phrasing

number of actions jointly planned and implemented by the targeted social protection actors
nombre d'actions planifiées et mises en œuvre conjointement par les acteurs de protection sociale ciblés
número de ações conjuntas planificadas e implementadas pelos actores de proteção social
عدد الإجراءات التي تم التخطيط لها وتنفيذها بشكل مشترك من قبل الجهات الفاعلة المستهدفة في مجال الحماية الاجتماعية

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of actions jointly planned and implemented by the targeted social protection actors

French: nombre d'actions planifiées et mises en œuvre conjointement par les acteurs de protection sociale ciblés

Portuguese: número de ações conjuntas planificadas e implementadas pelos actores de proteção social

Arabic: عدد الإجراءات التي تم التخطيط لها وتنفيذها بشكل مشترك من قبل الجهات الفاعلة المستهدفة في مجال الحماية الاجتماعية

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the level of cooperation of the social protection actors targeted by an intervention.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with those social protection actors whose cooperation with other, pre-defined actors you want to assess:


Q1: In the past 12 months, have you jointly planned and implemented any social protection assistance with [specify the targeted actor]?

A1: yes / no / does not know


Repeat the question for all other types of the target actors.


(the following questions are recommended but not mandatory)


Q2: What was the content and aim of the jointly planned and implemented action?

A2: …………………. (specify)


Q3: I would like to understand to what extent you were satisfied with the cooperation. Can you please rank the quality of cooperation on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means very poor cooperation and 5 means excellent cooperation?

A3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


The data collector should check whether the respondent understood the system correctly. For example, if the score “2” was provided, s/he can ask: “Does it mean that the cooperation did not go well?”



Calculate the indicator’s value by summing up the number of social protection actors who in the past 12 months jointly designed and implemented a social protection action with other actors in the sector.

Important Comments

1) When preparing the survey, always clearly pre-define 1) the actors who are expected to cooperate with others (i.e. your respondents) and 2) the actors with whom these respondents might cooperate.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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