Employment of Vulnerable Persons

Indicator Phrasing

number of supported persons from vulnerable group(s) that gained and retained their new employment for at least [specify the number] months
nombre de personnes soutenues provenant de groupe(s) vulnérable(s) qui ont acquis et conservé leur nouvel emploi pendant au moins [précisez le nombre] mois
número de pessoas apoiadas do(s) grupo(s) vulnerável(eis) que obtiveram e mantiveram o seu novo emprego por pelo menos [especifique o número] meses
عدد الأشخاص المدعومين من المجموعة (المجموعات) الضعيفة الذين اكتسبوا وظائفهم الجديدة واحتفظوا بها لمدة لا تقل عن [حدد العدد] شهرا

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of supported persons from vulnerable group(s) that gained and retained their new employment for at least [specify the number] months

French: nombre de personnes soutenues provenant de groupe(s) vulnérable(s) qui ont acquis et conservé leur nouvel emploi pendant au moins [précisez le nombre] mois

Portuguese: número de pessoas apoiadas do(s) grupo(s) vulnerável(eis) que obtiveram e mantiveram o seu novo emprego por pelo menos [especifique o número] meses

Arabic: عدد الأشخاص المدعومين من المجموعة (المجموعات) الضعيفة الذين اكتسبوا وظائفهم الجديدة واحتفظوا بها لمدة لا تقل عن [حدد العدد] شهرا

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the number of people from vulnerable groups that, thanks to the provided support, were newly employed (full-time or part-time) and retained their employment for a pre-defined minimum period of time. It can be used for any types of vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities, migrants, minorities or economically vulnerable persons.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the required data by reviewing relevant documentation and conducting interviews with the persons whom your intervention supported in gaining longer-term employment:


Q1: Did the support provided by [specify the organization, institution or company] enable you to get a job?

A1: yes / no


(ask the following questions only if the previous answer is YES)


Q2: From which date were you employed?

A2: ……... (record the date)


Q3: Do you still have this job or has it finished?

A3: yes, the respondent remains employed; no, the respondent is not employed


(ask the following question only if the previous answer was NO)


Q4: Which was the last day you went to this job?

Q4: ……... (record the date)


Verify the provided information by interviewing the respondent’s employer and colleagues and reviewing the supporting documentation, such as contract, payroll, and other evidence.


Calculate the indicator’s value by counting the number of supported persons who gained a job and retained it for the pre-defined minimum period of time. 

Important Comments

1) Consider collecting and analyzing also the following data:

   > Is the job full-time or part-time?

   > What type of job is it?

   > What is the employees’ Average Monthly Salary?

   > If the supported person lost her/his job, what was the reason?

   > If the supported person lost her/his job, did s/he manage to find a new one related to the qualification your project supported?


2) The employment period should not be less than 6 months. If your project duration allows, consider assessing and comparing the data for a 6-month as well as 12-month period (always from the same persons).

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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