Perceived Access to Basic Services

Indicator Phrasing

the average Access Score provided by [specify the vulnerable group] on their access to the targeted services
le Score d'Accès moyen fourni par [précisez le groupe vulnérable] sur leur accès aux services ciblés
Média da Pontuação de Acesso fornecida por [especifique o grupo vulnerável] sobre o seu acesso aos serviços-alvo

Indicator Phrasing

English: the average Access Score provided by [specify the vulnerable group] on their access to the targeted services

French: le Score d'Accès moyen fourni par [précisez le groupe vulnérable] sur leur accès aux services ciblés

Portuguese: Média da Pontuação de Acesso fornecida por [especifique o grupo vulnerável] sobre o seu acesso aos serviços-alvo

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses to what extent the members of a marginalized group feel they can access a pre-defined set of basic services.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:


1) Define the services your survey is interested in (focus on the most common services which should be used by a vast majority of people, such as medical check-ups).


2) Conduct interviews with a representative sample of the vulnerable group members, asking:

Q1: I would like to understand your perception of how easy or difficult it is to access [specify the service]. Can you provide a score where 1 means that you have no access to [specify the service] and 5 means that it is no problem for you to access [specify the service]?

A1: …… (score)


The data collector should check whether the respondent understood the system correctly. For example, if score “1” was provided, s/he can ask: “Does it mean that you cannot access [specify the service] at all?


Repeat the question for all other services your survey focuses on.


3) Calculate the indicator’s value by summing up all scores and dividing them by the number of respondents.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and wealth.

Important Comments

1) If the score is 3 or lower, consider also assessing the reason for such poor access by asking: “What is the main reason why you have poor access to [specify the service]?


2) Consider also comparing the indicator’s value with the result of a methodologically comparable survey of the general population.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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