Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) Define the criteria for deciding which “issues” will be included in your survey, such as:
> the time period (recently raised issues or issues which could not be addressed by the time of the survey should not be included)
> feasibility and appropriateness (issues which the authorities cannot address due to their limited resources, capacity or mandate should not be included)
> type of requests (consider limiting the scope to certain types of social, economic, environmental or governance-related priorities)
2) Conduct key informant interviews with the local authorities, civil society representatives and other influential citizens to identify which issues were raised during the given time period. Alternatively, if you focus on specific events (for example, bi-annual public consultations), review their minutes or ask your staff to attend them and make records.
3) Calculate the indicator’s value by dividing the number of issues which were raised, met your criteria and were fully addressed by the total number of raised issues meeting your criteria and multiplying the result by 100.