Inclusive Participatory Budgeting

Indicator Phrasing

% of the financial volume of priorities identified through participatory processes and included in the target municipalities’ budgets which address the needs of vulnerable groups
% du volume financier des priorités identifiées par les processus participatifs et incluses dans les budgets des municipalités qui répondent aux besoins des groupes vulnérables
% do volume financeiro de prioridades identificadas através de processos participativos e incluídas nos orçamentos dos municípios que atendem às necessidades de grupos vulneráveis

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of the financial volume of priorities identified through participatory processes and included in the target municipalities’ budgets which address the needs of vulnerable groups

French: % du volume financier des priorités identifiées par les processus participatifs et incluses dans les budgets des municipalités qui répondent aux besoins des groupes vulnérables

Portuguese: % do volume financeiro de prioridades identificadas através de processos participativos e incluídas nos orçamentos dos municípios que atendem às necessidades de grupos vulneráveis

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the extent to which the priorities identified by local citizens and financially supported by local authorities address the needs of vulnerable groups living in the given area. It is suitable primarily for interventions focusing on increasing the influence of the vulnerable groups’ members and representatives over the local authorities’ budget allocation.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Use review of relevant documents and key informant interviews (with the authorities, local citizens engaged in the participatory budget planning, CSO representatives, etc.) to collect and analyze the following data:


1) List all priorities which, in a given time period, were proposed by the local citizens, accepted by the local authorities for financial support and included in their budgets. Calculate their total financial volume.


2) Define whom you consider as “vulnerable groups”.


3) Identify in the list those priorities which directly address the needs of the vulnerable groups living in the given area. Calculate their total financial volume.


4) Calculate the indicator’s value by dividing the total financial volume of priorities addressing vulnerable groups’ needs by the total financial volume of all priorities identified through participatory processes and included in the target municipalities’ budgets and multiplying the result by 100.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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