*This is a Global Results Framework indicator.
Result Statement: Increased % of women reporting involvement in household decision making
Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of women aged 15 – 49 years that live with their husband or partner:
Q1: Who usually decides how much of the staple crops grown by your household will be kept for consumption in the household and how much will be sold?
Q2: Who usually decides how much of the vegetables grown by your household will be kept for consumption in the household and how much will be sold?
Q3: Who usually decides how to spend the income that you bring into the household?
Q4: Who usually decides how to spend the income that your partner brings into the household?
Q5: Who usually decides about making smaller purchases, such as food and other less expensive needs?
Q6: Who usually decides about making more expensive purchases, such as new animals or household equipment?
Q7: Who usually decides on which family members you will visit and when?
Q8: Who usually decides whether your child will be taken for health care to a health facility when s/he is sick?
Q9: Who usually decides whether you or your partner will use any types of contraception, such as condoms or pills?
Q10: Who decides how many children you will have?
A1-10: [one option only; do not read the answers]
1) Respondent herself
2) Husband
3) Respondent and husband jointly
4) Another household member
5) Respondent and another household member jointly
6) Someone outside the household
7) Household not involved in this activity
Take the following steps to calculate the value of the Index:
- provide 1 point for each activity on which the respondent fully or partially decided (= answers 1, 3, 5)
- calculate the total number of points per each respondent
- count the total number of answered questions - you have to exclude those questions where the household was not involved in the activity (for example, the household members did not grow any vegetables)
- divide the total number of points by the total number of answered questions – for example, 7 divided by 10 = 0.7
- the result is the respondent’s score on the Household Decision-Making Index
- to calculate the Index’s average value (for all respondents), add up the total scores of the individual respondents’ Indexes and divide these by the number of respondents
The closer the value of the Index is to 1, the more women are involved in household decision-making (and the other way – the closer the value of the Index is to 0, the less women are involved).