Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of your target group members:
Introduction: Now I am going to read different statements. Please show me on this scale the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement [show the scale provided at the bottom of this page and explain how it works, including the meaning of each face]. There are no right or wrong answers – please answer according to your feelings about the statement. I would again like to assure you that your answers will not be shared with any people living in this area.
Q1: Which of these four faces [point to the scale] best represents your feelings about the following statement? ‘Political leadership should be largely in the hands of men.’
A1: strongly agree / somewhat agree / somewhat disagree / strongly disagree
Q2: Which of these four faces [point to the scale] best represents your feelings about the following statement? ‘Women are too emotional to be leaders.’
A2: strongly agree / somewhat agree / somewhat disagree / strongly disagree
Q3: Which of these four faces [point to the scale] best represents your feelings about the following statement? ‘Women who participate in politics or leadership positions cannot be good wives or mothers as well.’
A3: strongly agree / somewhat agree / somewhat disagree / strongly disagree
Take the following steps to calculate the indicator’s value:
1) Provide 1 point for each “slightly disagree” response and 2 points for each “strongly disagree” response.
2) Count the total number of points per respondent (the minimum can be zero, the maximum can be 6).
3) Count the number of respondents who scored at least 3 points.
4) Divide the number of respondents who scored at least 3 points by the total number of respondents and multiply the result by 100.