Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of women:
Introduction: In the following questions, I will be asking you whether you regularly attend meetings of any formal or informal groups that are in or near your community. By regularly, I mean you attending most of the meetings.
[The following questions are just examples. Adjust them based on the community groups present in the target areas.]
Q1: Do you regularly attend meetings of any religious group?
A1: yes / no
Q2: Do you regularly attend meetings of any savings group?
A2: yes / no
Q3: Do you regularly attend meetings of any agricultural group?
A3: yes / no
Q4: Do you regularly attend meetings of any women’s group that is different from the agricultural or saving group?
A4: yes / no
Q5: Do you regularly attend meetings of any water users group?
A5: yes / no
Q6: Do you regularly attend meetings of any other group? If so, which group?
1) yes – specify the name and focus of the group: ___________________
2) no
To calculate the indicator’s value, count the number of women participating in the minimum number of community groups and divide it by the total number of interviewed women. Multiply the result by 100.