Operation of the Complaint Response Mechanism

Indicator Phrasing

% of complaints received through the complaint and response mechanism responded to in line with the required procedures
% de plaintes reçues par le biais du mécanisme de traitement des plaintes et de réaction qui sont traitées selon les procédures requises
% de queixas recebidas através do mecanismo de tratamento de reclamações atendidas e em linha com os procedimentos requeridos

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of complaints received through the complaint and response mechanism responded to in line with the required procedures

French: % de plaintes reçues par le biais du mécanisme de traitement des plaintes et de réaction qui sont traitées selon les procédures requises

Portuguese: % de queixas recebidas através do mecanismo de tratamento de reclamações atendidas e em linha com os procedimentos requeridos

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures how effectively the complaint and response mechanism (CRM) responds to the complaints made by the affected population residing in the displacement sites.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Use the CRM’s official guidance to list the main requirements for an adequate response to the complaints provided by the affected population (for example, when and how the response needs to be provided).


2) Out of all the complaints received, assess how many were responded to in line with the required procedures (by reviewing relevant documentation, the CRM register, conducting interviews, etc.).


3) Calculate the indicator’s value (in percentages) by dividing the number of responses provided in line with the required procedures by the total number of received complaints (include only those complaints relevant to CRM’s responsibilities). Multiply the result by 100.


Important Comments

1) Receiving a response may not result in beneficiary satisfaction, and this should be differentiated. Consider therefore complementing this indicator’s data with another indicator “% of CRM users who were satisfied with the response they received”.


2) Feedback on complaints may be made through responses on an individual basis, but may also be in the form of mass information campaigns or messaging through the community leadership if, for example, a large number of complaints are received for the same service delivery topic.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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