Collect the following data by using observations (Q1-Q5) and conducting key informant interviews (Q1, Q2 and Q4) with the schools’ managers and students:
Q1: Are there latrines at this school?
A1: yes / no
(ask the following questions only if the previous answer is YES)
Q2: Do the latrines have doors?
A2: yes / no / only some latrines have doors
Q3: During normal working hours, how many latrines are open and operating?
A3: yes / no / only some latrines are operating
Q4 for data collectors: What type of latrines are available?
1) pit latrine with slab
2) ventilated improved pit latrine
3) flush or pour toilet (connected to a sewer system or a septic tank)
4) composting toilet
5) pit latrine without slab
6) other - specify: ...........................
Q5: Are there separate latrines for girls and boys?
A5: yes / no
Q6 for data collectors: Is it clearly visible which latrines are for girls and which are for boys?
A6: yes / no
A school can be considered as having "separate improved sanitation facilities" if the responses to Q1, Q2, Q3, Q5 and Q6 are YES and the response to Q4 is any of the first four options.
Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of schools meeting these criteria by the total number of surveyed schools and multiplying the result by 100.