Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the target group members:
Q1: There are different ways through which aid agencies provide information to people living in this area. Can you please tell me which source of information you most trust when it comes to information about [specify the type of information you are interested in, such as “new humanitarian assistance”]?
A1: [adjust the list based on the context you operate in]
1) family members
2) local authorities
3) community volunteers
4) aid agency staff
5) religious authorities
6) information boards
7) aid agencies’ leaflets
8) loudspeaker announcements
9) radio
10) SMS
11) e-mail
12) social media
13) other – specify: …………………
[Probe: Are there any other sources of information that you trust?]
Q2: In the past [specify the period – e.g. a month], through which sources did you receive information about [specify the type of information you are interested in, such as “new humanitarian assistance”]?
A2: [multiple answers possible; adjust the list based on the context you operate in]
1) family members
2) local authorities
3) community volunteers
4) aid agency staff
5) religious authorities
6) information boards
7) aid agencies’ leaflets
8) loudspeaker announcements
9) radio
10) SMS
11) e-mail
12) social media
13) other – specify: …………………
[Probe: Did you receive information through any other ways?]
To calculate the indicator value, divide the number of people receiving information through a source that they trust a lot by the total number of respondents. Multiply the result by 100.