Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the target group members:
Q1: In the past month, how often did you listen to the radio?
1) never
2) a few times per month
3) once a week
4) a few times per week
5) daily
(the following question is recommended but not mandatory; ask it only if the person listened to the radio)
Q2: In the past month, where did you most commonly listened to the radio?
1) at home
2) at a friend / relative’s place
3) at a community place
4) at work
5) other place – specify: ………………..
[Probe: Was there any other place where you frequently listened to the radio?]
Q3: When do you typically listen to the radio?
A3: [multiple answers possible]
1) in the morning
2) in the afternoon
3) in the evening
To calculate the indicator value, you first have to decide on what counts as “able to receive information over the radio”. For example, you can define it as “listening to a radio at least a few times per week” (people who use it, for example, only once per month, might have physical access to radio but be unlikely to catch most of the messages relayed via radio by an aid agency).
Subsequently, determine the indicator’s value by dividing the number of people who are “able to receive information over the radio” by the total number of respondents. Multiply the result by 100