Community-Led Disaster Risk Management

Indicator Phrasing

number of communities with functional disaster risk management mechanism
nombre de communautés ayant un mécanisme fonctionnel de gestion des risques de catastrophe
número de comunidades com mecanismos funcionais de gestão de riscos de desastres
عدد المجتمعات المحلية التي لديها آلية وظيفية لإدارة مخاطر الكوارث

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of communities with functional disaster risk management mechanism

French: nombre de communautés ayant un mécanisme fonctionnel de gestion des risques de catastrophe

Portuguese: número de comunidades com mecanismos funcionais de gestão de riscos de desastres

Arabic: عدد المجتمعات المحلية التي لديها آلية وظيفية لإدارة مخاطر الكوارث

What is its purpose?

This indicator assesses the number of communities with a functional system for managing the risk of disaster.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the required data by using the following methodology:


1) In each village, identify the group(s) responsible for disaster risk management.


2) Together with their members, relevant authorities and the local community members, define what their main responsibilities are (if this has not been done earlier).


3) Set the minimum number and type of responsibilities each group needs to fulfill in order for the system to be considered as "functional". 


4) Compare their main responsibilities with the actual work they have (not) been doing (this can be assessed by interviews with its members and the key informants, review of meeting minutes, focus group discussions with the local community members, etc.). Consider also the effectiveness of such work (for example, if they established a warning system that reaches a small proportion of the local inhabitants only, such action cannot be considered as "functional").


5) Calculate the indicator's value by counting the number of communities whose disaster risk management system can be considered as functional (i.e. meeting the minimum number and type of responsibilities in an acceptably effective way). 

Important Comments

1) Ensure the structure actually effectively operates and is making the necessary steps as per agreed action points (preparation of preparedness plans, awareness raising of community, implementation of preparedness plans, relief during disaster, etc.).


2) Ensure the structure represents the entire community/does not exclude certain groups. Make sure it is designed to include vulnerable persons, women, children, or at least considers their specific vulnerabilities.


3) This data can also contribute to your capacity assessment of existing groups, and help your team identify areas for capacity building.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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