Early Warning System's Coverage

Indicator Phrasing

number of people who are covered by a multi-hazard early warning system
nombre de personnes qui sont couvertes par un système d'alerte précoce pour des risques multiples
número de pessoas que são abrangidas por um sistema de alerta-prévio para desastres diversos

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of people who are covered by a multi-hazard early warning system

French: nombre de personnes qui sont couvertes par un système d'alerte précoce pour des risques multiples

Portuguese: número de pessoas que são abrangidas por um sistema de alerta-prévio para desastres diversos

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the number of people who are supposed to receive the early warning because they are considered to be at risk.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Review the early warning system's functions, communication channels, target areas, etc. and calculate the total number of people it can reach. Use documents review and interviews with the system's designers and operators.

Important Comments

1) The indicator measures a theoretical coverage - i.e. the maximum number of people who can be reached by the early warning system. In order to measure the actual coverage (i.e. how many people were actually reached), you would have to conduct a quantitative representative survey among its intended beneficiaries after the system was used.


2) During the project implementation, encourage communities to carry out a simulation exercise, this will help identify any problems with inclusion and can be used to measure coverage more accurately.

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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