Early Warning System's Effectiveness

Indicator Phrasing

% of communities with effective early warning system for major identified hazards in place
% de communautés avec un système efficace d'alerte précoce pour les principaux dangers identifiés en place
% de comunidades com um sistema funcional de alerta-prévio eficaz para os principais desastres identificados
النسبة المئوية للمجتمعات التي لديها نظام فعال للإنذار المبكر للمخاطر الرئيسية المحددة

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of communities with effective early warning system for major identified hazards in place

French: % de communautés avec un système efficace d'alerte précoce pour les principaux dangers identifiés en place

Portuguese: % de comunidades com um sistema funcional de alerta-prévio eficaz para os principais desastres identificados

Arabic: النسبة المئوية للمجتمعات التي لديها نظام فعال للإنذار المبكر للمخاطر الرئيسية المحددة

What is its purpose?

This composite indicator measures whether the target community has an effective early warning system (EWS) for major identified hazards in place. EWS is considered effective when 1) the system is in place; 2) the data is timely and correctly collected, 3) community members are aware of EWS, and 4) receive from it timely and actionable information.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

*This is a Global Results Framework indicator. 


Result Statement: Increased number of communties with effective early warning systems for major identified hazards


Assess the following 4 aspects of an effective EWS:


A) Existence of EWS

Use review of relevant documents, interviews with personnel of EWS and the key informants (e.g. authorities) to assess:

Q1: Are the core functions and responsibilities of the EWS described in relevant guidelines?

A1: yes / no


Q2: Is there a specific person (or a group of persons) officially responsible for operating EWS in the given community?

A2: yes / no


Q3: Is the responsible personnel aware of the main responsibilities?

A3: yes / no / partly 



B) Timely and Correct Data Collection

Use interviews with the staff responsible for EWS, key informant interviews (e.g. authorities), review of relevant records and testing of relevant staff's skills to assess:

Q4: Is the data required for triggering an early warning collected regularly, as defined in the EWS' guidelines?

A4: yes / no / partly


Q5: Is the most important data collected?

A5: yes / no


Q6: Is the required data collected and recorded correctly?

A6: yes / no / partly 



C) Community Awareness of EWS

Conduct a quantitative survey among a representative sample of the local population that includes the following question:

Q7: Does this community have any formal system of warning its inhabitants about upcoming natural disasters, such as [specify 2-3 relevant examples]?

A7: yes / no / does not know



D) Receiving Timely and Actionable Warning

Conduct a quantitative survey among a representative sample of the local population that includes the following questions:

Q8: How do you usually learn about an upcoming [specify 2-3 examples of the most common and severe natural disasters]?

A8: pre-define answers according to the local context


Q9: Have you ever received information about an upcoming natural disaster from [specify the EWS's way of informing local inhabitants]?

A9: yes / no


(ask the following questions only if the previous answer is YES)


Q10: Did you receive the information about an upcoming natural disaster on time, giving you enough time to protect your family?

A10: yes / no


Q11: Do you remember how useful the provided advice was?

A11: yes / no


(ask the following questions only if the previous answer is YES)


Q12: Was the advice very useful, fairly useful, fairly non-useful or very non-useful?

A12: very useful / fairly useful / fairly non-useful / very non-useful


Set benchmarks for what answers can still represent "an effective EWS". 


Calculate the indicator's value by counting the number of communities with an effective EWS (as defined by the benchmarks). 

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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