Local Authority Disaster Management Plans

Indicator Phrasing

number of districts which have included disaster management in local development plans
nombre de districts qui ont inclus la gestion des catastrophes dans les plans de développement local
número de distritos que incluíram gestão de desastres nos planos de desenvolvimento local

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of districts which have included disaster management in local development plans

French: nombre de districts qui ont inclus la gestion des catastrophes dans les plans de développement local

Portuguese: número de distritos que incluíram gestão de desastres nos planos de desenvolvimento local

What is its purpose?

The indicator provides a proxy measure of a community’s disaster preparedness at the institutional level. At the baseline stage it assists in identifying target areas for intervention. At the endline stage, it can show the impact of your organization's advocacy and technical assistance activities.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

This information can be collected through key informant interviews with the relevant stakeholders (local authorities, disaster management agencies) and a review of relevant documents. A disaster management plan should contain, at minimum, an assessment of likely hazards, early warning system and communication methodology, and an outline of the planned response. 

Important Comments

1) The size of the targeted authority depends on the project context; it could be village/municipality/region as relevant


2) If the project has a focus on participatory budgeting or advocacy for funding, the indicator phrasing could be amended to “number of districts which have included disaster management in local development plans and budgets.”

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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