Local Participation in Shelter Construction

Indicator Phrasing

number of local people involved in voluntary or paid work on shelter (re)construction
nombre de personnes locales impliquées dans un travail bénévole ou rémunéré pour la (re)construction d'abris
número de pessoas locais envolvidas em trabalho voluntário ou pago para a (re)construção de abrigos

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of local people involved in voluntary or paid work on shelter (re)construction

French: nombre de personnes locales impliquées dans un travail bénévole ou rémunéré pour la (re)construction d'abris

Portuguese: número de pessoas locais envolvidas em trabalho voluntário ou pago para a (re)construção de abrigos

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the number of people from the affected communities who were engaged by the assisting agency in the physical work required for (re)constructing shelters, both on a paid or voluntary basis.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Review the available documentation on workers' either paid or voluntary work. If the data is missing, interview the staff responsible for shelter (re)construction and request that s/he provides the required data (do your best to also verify it from other resources).

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender.

Important Comments

1) Report separately on the number of people who i) were paid for their work and ii) participated on a voluntary basis.


2) Assess and report i) the average income a paid worker earned; and ii) the total amount the project paid to the workers (the data is important for assessing the economic benefits of your intervention).

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This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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