Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of NFI beneficiaries:
Ask the following questions about 2 to 5 main types of non-food items that were included in the distribution. The data should be collected through post-distribution monitoring, about 3-4 weeks after the distribution.
Q1: Have you already used the provided [specify the item]?
A1: yes / no / I do not know
(ask the following question only if previous answer is YES; ask it only if relevant - for example, while enquiring about the use of tarpaulin is useful, asking about how a family used a bar of soap makes little sense)
Q2: What did you use [specify the item] for?
A2: predefine the answers according to the purpose of the item + leave space for other types of use
(ask the following question only if the answer to Q1 is NO)
Q3: Can you please tell me why you have not used it?
1) when I received it, it was damaged
2) I gave it to someone who needed it more than me
3) it was not useful
4) I did not need it yet but I will start using it soon
5) I lost it
6) it was stolen from me
7) other - specify: .........................
In order to analyse the data, you must decide how many items must be used for the intended purpose in order for the indicator to be met (for example, at least 3 out of 4 items). Calculate the indicator's value by dividing the number of respondents who used the minimum number of provided NFI for the intended purpose by the total number of interviewed respondents and multiplying the result by 100.