Representative Governance Structures

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of displacement sites with representative governance structures
nombre ou % des sites de déplacement ayant des structures de gouvernance représentative
número ou % de campos de deslocados com estruturas de governança representactivas

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of displacement sites with representative governance structures

French: nombre ou % des sites de déplacement ayant des structures de gouvernance représentative

Portuguese: número ou % de campos de deslocados com estruturas de governança representactivas

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the number of displacement sites with governance structures that are representative of the local population groups. Such structures are essential for ensuring adequate representation of the different groups’ needs, views and recommendations.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Depending on the local context, define the minimum requirements needed for a governance structure to be considered as representative, for example:

    > minimum percentage of women, minority ethnic group members, etc.

    > members are formally elected or otherwise selected by other participatory processes actively engaging the local population members

    > ToR is in place for governance structures, defining responsibilities and mechanisms of accountability to the population

    > members of the governance mechanisms regularly attend meetings with humanitarian agencies

    > members of the governance mechanisms regularly communicate the outcomes of such meetings (and other events) to the affected population 

    > systems are in place, formal or informal, for the site population to raise concerns to and receive feedback from leadership (e.g. through community meetings, block leaders)


2) Count the number and percentage of displacement sites with governance structures meeting pre-defined criteria.

Important Comments

1) Any measure of representation is subjective; minimum requirements of what constitutes a ‘representative’ structure should be clearly defined in each context (do not only copy-paste the examples above).


2) Method of inclusion of women in governance structures may differ depending on cultural norms.

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This guidance was prepared by People in Need and ACTED ©

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