Adequate Shelter - Safety

Indicator Phrasing

% of shelter recipients that feel safe in their shelter
% des bénéficiaires d’un refuge qui se sentent en sécurité dans leur refuge
% de beneficiários de abrigos que se sentem seguros no seu abrigo
النسبة المئوية من المستفيدين من المأوى الذين يشعرون بالأمان في مآويهم

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of shelter recipients that feel safe in their shelter

French: % des bénéficiaires d’un refuge qui se sentent en sécurité dans leur refuge

Portuguese: % de beneficiários de abrigos que se sentem seguros no seu abrigo

Arabic: النسبة المئوية من المستفيدين من المأوى الذين يشعرون بالأمان في مآويهم

What is its purpose?

Result Statement: Increased number of households that feel safe and secure in their homes

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

*This is a Global Results Framework indicator. 

Disaggregate by


This guidance was prepared by IRW ©

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