Number of Cash Transfer Recipients

Indicator Phrasing

number of households receiving cash transfers in the planned amount
nombre de ménages recevant des transferts d’argent selon le montant prévu
número de agregados familiares que recebem transferências de dinheiro nos montantes planeados

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of households receiving cash transfers in the planned amount

French: nombre de ménages recevant des transferts d’argent selon le montant prévu

Portuguese: número de agregados familiares que recebem transferências de dinheiro nos montantes planeados

What is its purpose?

This indicator shows the number of households that have received support through cash transfers or vouchers.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

The collection of the required data depends on the cash delivery modality used. When providing physical cash, bank cheques, vouchers, SIM cards or electronic cards, use the distribution records with beneficiaries' signatures. In most cases, the data should also be verified by post-distribution monitoring and additional documentation, such as official bank statements with cheque reference codes, mobile banking transaction lists, or the barcode numbers of redeemed vouchers. If using a third party money transfer service, there must be an agreed format for their collection of signatures or fingerprints during cash distribution. 

Important Comments

1) Consider using also the the following process indicators:

  > % of recipient households reporting difficulties accessing the cash transfer (e.g. non-functioning electronic cards or tensions with vendors).

  > % of beneficiaries feeling at risk as a result of receiving MPG (e.g. harassment, insecurity, abuse - segregate by gender)

  > % of beneficiaries who think cash is the best response to their needs (as opposed to other available modalities)

  > changes in the market prices of key commodities (plus the reasons for the changes)

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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