Changes in Household Debt

Indicator Phrasing

% of cash transfer beneficiaries who report a reduction in household debt
% des bénéficiaires de transferts d’argent qui font état d’une réduction de la dette des ménages
% de beneficiários das transferências de dinheiro que reportam uma redução na dívida do agregado familiar
النسبة المئوية للمستفيدين من التحويلات النقدية الذين أبلغوا عن انخفاض في ديون الأسر

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of cash transfer beneficiaries who report a reduction in household debt

French: % des bénéficiaires de transferts d’argent qui font état d’une réduction de la dette des ménages

Portuguese: % de beneficiários das transferências de dinheiro que reportam uma redução na dívida do agregado familiar

Arabic: النسبة المئوية للمستفيدين من التحويلات النقدية الذين أبلغوا عن انخفاض في ديون الأسر

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures changes in household debt. It is an important proxy indicator of a household's economic situation.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of your target group members:



Q1: Prior to receiving cash from [specify the name of your organization], did your family hold any debts?

A1: yes / no / did not respond


(ask the following question only if the previous answer is YES)


Q2: Since you have received cash transfers from [specify the name of your organization], did the amount of debt your family holds decreased or increased or remained the same? 


1) decreased

2) increased

3) remained the same

4) does not know / did not respond


To calculate the indicator's value, divide the number of respondents whose debts became smaller by the total number of respondents who had debts prior to receiving the cash assistance (exclude those who did not know or did not respond). Multiply the result by 100.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and other relevant criteria.

Important Comments

1) For guidance on assessing the exact amount of a household’s debt, please see IndiKit’s indicator Indebtedness - Existence and Levels.


2) Household debt can also provide a proxy for protection status, and indicate a reliance on negative coping strategies. Informal loans from friends and family can lead to social tensions or exploitation, while money lenders often charge very high interest rates to people who do not have the collateral to access affordable credit. If this is a concern in your context, consider adding the following question in order to gain more understanding of local coping strategies:

Q2: From where did you usually receive credit?


1) friends / family

2) local trader(s)

3) MFI / bank / credit union

4) informal, last resort lenders (use the local term, e.g. “5/6” or “loan shark”)

5) other - specify: .........................................

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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