Participation in Local Decision-Making Processes

Indicator Phrasing

number of residents of the target communities that systematically and actively participate in the local decision-making processes
le nombre de résidents des communautés cibles qui participent systématiquement et activement aux processus décisionnels locaux
número de residentes das comunidades-alvo que participam sistemática e ativamente nos processos de tomada de decisão locais
عدد سكان المجتمعات المستهدفة الذين يشاركون بشكل منهجي وفعال في عمليات صنع القرار المحلية

Indicator Phrasing

English: number of residents of the target communities that systematically and actively participate in the local decision-making processes

French: le nombre de résidents des communautés cibles qui participent systématiquement et activement aux processus décisionnels locaux

Portuguese: número de residentes das comunidades-alvo que participam sistemática e ativamente nos processos de tomada de decisão locais

Arabic: عدد سكان المجتمعات المستهدفة الذين يشاركون بشكل منهجي وفعال في عمليات صنع القرار المحلية

What is its purpose?

Result Statement: Increased number of residents systematically and actively participating in local decision-making processes

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

*This is a Global Results Framework indicator. 

Disaggregate by


This guidance was prepared by IRW ©

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