Accoridng to WHO/UNICEF 2010 guidance (see below), the calculation of this indicator is different for breastfed and non-breastfed children:
Breastfed children: A breastfed child is considered to have a Minimum Acceptable Diet if the child:
1) Met the Minimum Meal Frequency for breastfed children.
2) During the previous day and night consumed meals consisting of at least 4 food groups used by the Minimum Dietary Diversity (MDD) indicator; however, not counting the recently added food group "breast milk".
Non-breasfed children: A non-breastfed child is considered to have a Minimum Acceptable Diet if the child:
1) Met the Minimum Meal Frequency for non-breastfed children.
2) During the previous day and night consumed meals consisting of at least 4 food groups used by the Minimum Dietary Diversity (MDD) indicator; however, not counting the food group "dairy products" (see comment below).
3) During the previous day and night consumed at least 2 milk feedings (this includes infant formula / milk / yogurt).
To calculate the indicator's value:
- add up the number of 1) breastfed and 2) non-breastfed children who had a Minimum Acceptable Diet
- divide this number by the total number of surveyed breastfed and non-breastfed children
- multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage