*This a Global Results Framework indicator.
Result Statement: Increased % of households meeting water quantity standards
Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the household members responsible for water collection:
(ask the following question only if you have not asked it in the previous sections of the questionnaire)
Q1: How many children and adults currently live in your household?
A1: ............ specify the number of children
Q2: What container do you most commonly use for collecting or storing water?
A2 - specify the container's volume: ............ liters
Q3: How many of such water containers do your household members use per one day for drinking and cooking?
A3: ............ specify the number of containers
(ask the following question only if you have not asked it earlier)
Q4: During this season, where do your household members collect water for drinking and cooking?
1) tube well or borehole
2) protected shallow well
3) harvested rainwater
4) piped water/public tap
5) protected spring
6) surface water source (river, stream, pond, puddles, unprotected spring)
7) unprotected/ open shallow well
8) cart with small tank/drum
9) tanker-truck
10) other: ................................
NOTE: Only options 1 – 5 count as “safe water sources”
Q5: How many of such water containers do your household members use per one day for personal hygiene?
A5: ............ specify the number of containers
To calculate the indicator's value, take the following steps:
1) count the number of households that are able to access at least 15 liters of water per person per day and their drinking water comes from safe water source(s)
2) divide this number by the total number of respondents
3) multiply the result by 100