Crude Mortality Rate

Indicator Phrasing

crude mortality rate (per 10,000 persons/day)
taux brut de mortalité (pour 10 000 personnes / jour)
taxa bruta de mortalidade (por (10,000 pessoas/dia)
معدل الوفيات الخام (لكل 10000 شخص / يوم)

Indicator Phrasing

English: crude mortality rate (per 10,000 persons/day)

French: taux brut de mortalité (pour 10 000 personnes / jour)

Portuguese: taxa bruta de mortalidade (por (10,000 pessoas/dia)

Arabic: معدل الوفيات الخام (لكل 10000 شخص / يوم)

What is its purpose?

The indicator measures the crude mortality rate (CRM) from all causes of death for a population during a specified time period. It is the most useful health indicator to monitor and evaluate the severity of an emergency situation.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

1) Assess the number of deaths in a given population during a specified time period.


2) Divide the number of deaths by the population at the mid-point of the time period multiplied by the number of days in the time period. For example, 120 deaths / (80,000 people multiplied by a 30 day period).


3) Multiply the number by 10,000 to gain the number of deaths per 10,000 persons per day. For example, (120 / (80,0000 x 30)) x 10,000. In this example, CRM is 0.5 persons per 10,000 persons per day.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and age groups.

Important Comments

1) According to the Sphere Standards, a doubling or more of the baseline CMR indicates a significant public health emergency, requiring an immediate response. When the baseline rate is unknown or of doubtful validity, agencies should aim to maintain the CMR at least below 1 death per 10,000 persons per day.


2) Consider using the under 5 mortality rate (U5MR) - it is a more sensitive indicator than CMR. Mortality of children under 5 is also one of SDG's health indicators. 


3) For information on how to assess the number of deaths, use the resources below. 


4) CRM is one of ECHO's Key Outcome Indicators (KOI). 

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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