Safe and Dignified Shelters

Indicator Phrasing

% of target population living in safe and dignified shelters in secure settlements
% de la population cible vivant dans des abris sûrs et dignes dans des sites sécurisés
% da população-alvo que vive em abrigos seguros e dignos em assentamentos seguros

Indicator Phrasing

English: % of target population living in safe and dignified shelters in secure settlements

French: % de la population cible vivant dans des abris sûrs et dignes dans des sites sécurisés

Portuguese: % da população-alvo que vive em abrigos seguros e dignos em assentamentos seguros

What is its purpose?

This composite indicator was designed by ECHO as one of its Key Outcome Indicators (KOI). It is based on two main sub-indicators.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the project beneficiaries living in the supported shelters:



Q1: If you consider how many people living in this area needed shelter assistance, do you think that the shelter assistance you received was provided in a timely manner?

A1: yes / no


Q2: Do you feel that the place where you live is largely secure?

A2: yes / no / does not know


(the following question is recommended but not mandatory; ask it only if the previous answer is NO)


Q3: Why do you feel that the place where you live is not secure?

A3: pre-define the answers based on the context where you operate


Calculate the indicator’s value:

1) first, calculate the % of respondents who consider that their basic shelter needs are met in a timely manner

2) second, calculate the % of respondents who consider their settlement to be secure

3) last, calculate the average % of the two previous sub-indicators

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and specific vulnerable groups, such as minorities.

Important Comments

1) While this indicator tells you whether people think that the shelter assistance was provided on time and whether they perceive their settlement to be secure, it does not tell you much about the quality of the supported shelter solution. Therefore, consider complementing this indicator with ECHO's Key Results Indicator "Access to Adequate Shelter".

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This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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